Friday, April 30, 2010


Time is money and money is time. Or so they say. If time is money then why aren't I flitting around Paris, Milan and New York, showering the cash registers of Gucci, Lanvin, Alexander Wang and Manolo Blahnik with my piles of mulla in exchange for piles of fabulous threads??

The point is, the majority of my time is spent sitting in front of a computer at my desk (supposedly earning money). Hence I have a huge lack of actual person-to-person social time, and a huge amount of internet surfing time instead (Dear Online Shopping (Topshop and ASOS especially), I love you, From Me). I spend all this time on the internet, I have a shitty lovelife, yet I'm still not sold on the idea of internet dating. However when recently searching for a new housemate, for some bizarre reason I decided that I had come across a much better alternative.

We placed an ad on an online flatmate finder website and were conducting nightly interviews with potential new roomies in our apartment. It's the strangest experience. Less like a job interview and more like a first date - having a random person in your house and asking each other questions, sussing each other out to test for compatibility!
Anyway, as I sat at my computer perusing the Gumtree ads one lunchtime (ok, it wasn't my lunch break, I was just pretending to do work by being at my desk and intently looking at my computer screen with the occasional faux-type added in for realistic effect) and there he was. 25yo male looking for future housemate. His picture spiked my appetite, and as I read on he sounded like he had the perfect level of arrogance and financial stability to have me drooling at his feet. Plus at the end he'd added "...outside work I pursue my creative interests." A fellow creative. HOTTT.

Did I mention he was looking for a housemate to move in with him into a new converted warehouse apartment? So although he wasn't exactly looking to move into a cosy little unit like ours, I didn't see the harm in contacting him. This was the perfect opportunity. I would pose as an interested potential housemate, meet with him for the "interview", we would instantly fall in love and move in together anyway and live happily ever after. And if he didn't take my sexual bait then I would simply tell him I found other living arrangements and thanks for the interview anyway. Exit stage left.

So I contacted him. I responded to his ad via Gumtree as requested.

And never heard boo.

You know what though? I think he might be my evil male twin - the ad is still up on Gumtree to this day and I suspect he was thinking along the same brilliant lines as me in trying to score a date or 5.

Go look him up! drop him an email and let me know if you get a date out of it!

Ciao for now...

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