Wednesday, April 28, 2010


26 today. I'm over the hump on the way to 30. Yikes!

Oh and I'm STILL single.
Even the French don't have a name for me anymore - I'm too old to be a Catherinette, I'm no longer considered pure, apparently I'm just old and dried up!
But I have a good feeling about 26. I'm going to be super pro-active this year in the search for love (or at least a semi-decent man who'll blow away the cobwebs - pun DEFINITELY intended).

Part of a good start to the day, it didn't take much facebook "research" to find the hilarious and strangely attractive guy I met on Saturday night. At the time he (or possibly the alcohol I'd been consuming all day) had me in tears with laughter, and I was highly intrigued/attracted... then he invited me to go to a secret Man With A Van party, but I thought he was joking. And soon after he quickly disappeared into the night without any number exchanges or even a pash.
Turns out the party was for serious! Clearly I just haven't been reading enough lately.

So the question is - to make contact and simultaneously look like a freak for having stalked*ahem*researched him down?? Or to let it be, and see if fate brings our paths together again...?

Well for now I can't be bothered wondering about it. I have birthday love and wishes coming my way by the bucketload and I'm going to bask in their warmth. God knows I need the extra warmth today (hello, Melbourne Autumn). I'm going to absolutely surrender and indulge in being spoiled for a day.

Happy Birthday to me!

Ciao for now...

1 comment:

  1. Well, Happy Birthday to you missy. If I was a man I would offer my services... as i'm not though I think you should take the plunge and send The Man With A Van a message. Maybe wait until tomorrow and see if you get birthday offers that blow you away... otherwise give him a go. He'll be flattered that you've taken the time to stalk him out.
