Thursday, August 19, 2010


Once there was a boy. A super duper cute boy! The boy met a girl (not naming names, but let's just say that the girl writes really terrible and sporadic but sometimes funny blogs about experiences - or lack thereof - with boys) and he thought she was really cute. Thanks to some friends with loose tongues and hopes for this cute boy and cute girl to get loose-tongued together, the boy and the girl found out that the cute-feelings were mutual. Yay! One night, the boy went out to a hip underground club and saw that the girl he thought was cute was also there. All night he never once went up to her and talked to her, even though she kept smiling at him and hanging around like a good smell. And even though he knew she thought he was cute too, he never once tried to push her against a wall and kiss her (which happened to be the girl's fantasy). The girl went home disappointed but excited for the next time she would see the cute boy.

A next time did come. About 2 months later, back from a delightful overseas trip with her skin glowing golden, the girl went out (to another hip alley-way club) one night where the cute boy also happened to be. When he saw that she was there, looking cuter than ever, he said hello and then ran away. He never once pushed her against a wall to kiss her. And again, the girl went home disappointed, but puzzled because a friend of the cute boy had told her that the cute boy definitely wanted to kiss her.

"Where have this cute boy's balls gone?!" she thought.

Hopefully she will find them the next time she sees the cute boy when he *fingers crossed* pushes her against a wall to kiss her.